27 Powers Dr. Kearneysville, WV 25430 - www.nativehavens.com - contact@nativehavens.com - cell:(302) 363-3045
Native Havens LLC © 2013
There are many considerations and strategies that we apply to our designs such as::
- Focus on using native species (>70% or more)
- Highly diverse designs using a layered planting strategy which also provides the added benefit of resiliency and habitat for insects and their predators
- Supports pollinators by providing nectar and pollen across the entire growing season
- Include various flower types/shapes with a seamless succession to accommodate a wide variety of insects' mouth morphology
- Use of ground cover plants with evergreen foliage that creep under taller plants and fill open ground. Over time, this reduces the reliance on wood mulch and cuts down on the amount of weeding and maintenance necessary.
Ecological Landscape Design - Installation - Maintenance
Ecological Landscape Design
Gardening services that unite Art, Science, and Nature!